Celebrating Volunteers Week 1 - 7 June at Theatre by the Lake
2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), when Theatre by the Lake will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK. With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ they hope to encourage people to be the change that we want to see and get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them.
The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering, so taking the time during Volunteers’ Week to celebrate their efforts and all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector and society as a whole has never been more important.
Simon Stephens, Theatre by the Lake's Executive Director, said: "We’re incredibly lucky to have a thriving community of over 200 volunteers at Theatre by the Lake, who provide a friendly, welcoming and safe environment for our audiences. The contribution they make to the theatre is invaluable – we couldn’t do what we do without their generous commitment".
Fiona, who has volunteered at the Keswick theatre since 2016 said: "Theatre by the Lake is a magical, inclusive venue with a great atmosphere which gives back much more to me than I give to it. I love meeting all the different theatre goers and answering their questions, gossiping with other volunteers and hearing their stories. Volunteering makes me feel part of a community and the staff seem to genuinely care about the volunteers. I am grateful for the perk of being able to see the shows and I love the post show discussions."
If you're interested in finding out more about volunteering opportunities at Theatre by the Lake, please contact Mary Elliott, Customer Experience Manager, at mary.elliott@theatrebythelake.com or on 017687 74411.